Interact with your customers anywhere

Acquiral provides a new and better way to acquire, engage and retain customers on the channels they actually use.
Know your customers and how they want to communicate
Acquiral learns behaviour and selects the most likely channel to engage on first and profiles your prospects over time. Feed contacts from your existing databases or capture new prospects with targeted campaigns.
Automate your actions
based on responses
Acquiral learns behaviours and keeps your contacts engaged across multiple channels. Gain feedback, promote offers and deliver exceptional service.
See what you can do
Communicate On Their Terms
Start a Blended campaign today
Consumer demands have shifted, people are using multiple devices, channels and online profiles in their daily lives. Acquiral gives you the platform to increase your revenues through meaningful interactions across sales, marketing, support and more. Communicate with prospects, leads and customers on their terms.
Monthly WhatsApp Users
Of the worlds internet users have Facebook
Average SMS Open Rate
On average installed on phones for messaging
Use our campaigns for an effortless start
Target Market Demographics
Built to find your ideal customer profile, Acquiral learns which types of contacts respond across specific channels and campaigns and optimises future campaigns.
Cart Abandonment
Ready made cart abandonment campaigns across channels to bring prospects back to your business.
New Customer Outreach
Pre-built outreach sequences to nurture, convert, upsell and more.
Product campaign
Campaigns for prospects, customers, employees all ready to go.
Back to Work
Simplify return to work responses in a nonintrusive manner.
ABM Marketing Campaign
Supplement existing ABM campaigns with blended messaging ready to launch instantly.
Customer Satisfaction
Stay in contact with your customers with handy features such as VIP offers, appointment reminders and holiday messages. Keep the conversation flowing.
Net Promoter® Score (NPS)
Campaigns and campaigns to keep an eye on your NPS.
Lead Nurture Campaign
Cross channel nurture campaigns pre-built and ready to send.
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