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My Account
  My Account page allows you to view and edit personal details including password change. The other tabs such as Manage Users allows you to add new users, one by one or import them in bulk. The Plans & Addons tab offers the opportunity to change your current plan or purchase any of our addons or add additional credit in ca ...
The calendar menu displays information about when a survey has started, this menu is very useful to get insights about the timing of past, ongoing and incoming surveys.     ...
  Prospects give Administrators the ability to manage the contacts to be surveyed or messaged. The prospects can add one by one manually or via bulk import by using our list template. Using the More button on the page you can edit any details of a prospect. The column for Campaigns offers information regarding which Camp ...
  Standard Form   Gives access to the menu to build multi-channel surveys using a simple step by step from. This is recommended for developing simple surveys.     Drag & Drop   Provides access to an easy-to-use graphical menu to build surveys, this is recommended for more complex su ...
Active Campaigns Displays the numbers of campaigns active out of the total number of campaigns allowed to run simultaneously for your subscription plan.     Messages Sent Show you the number of messages used out of the total number available for your account.     Channels Engagement Provi ...
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